CiaoBella Labrador Retrievers

AKC Breeder of Merit
AKC Breeder of Merit
Meet CiaoBella MEADOW Der Engel, CD, BN, RE, RA, RN, THDN, CGCA
Registered Pet Therapy Dog, Complex Rating
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Registered Pet Therapy Dog 
Complex Rating via Pet Partners 
( A/K/A Delta Society )   
The daughter of our Bella and Tealwood's Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Buddy,was born on 4/25/2013 with an impressive pedigree of good temperament and soundness as well as proven ability in both conformation and performance. Identified also as a service dog prospect at age 7.5 weeks we retained her as our breeding program prospect and she is quickly surpassing our expectations in terms of intelligence, temperament and work ability/performance. 
A.K.C. Canine Good Citizen Certification (CGC):
She passed her CGC at 11 months! 
A.K.C. Community Good Citizen Certification ( CGCA):
This is the advanced CGC with evaluation in a city neighborhood
A.K.C. Pet Therapy Dog Title:
She passed her Pet Therapy exam at just 16 months of age and already earned her AKC Pet Therapy Dog Title. 
A.K.C. Rally Novice Title:
She earned this Title along with award ribbons by entering just three Trial legs at age 20 months!
A.K.C. Rally Advanced Title:
She also took FIRST place while earning her FIRST Rally Advanced leg and earned her Rally Advanced Title at 25 months.
A.K.C. Rally Excellent Title:
She earned this Title along with award ribbons by entering just three Trial legs at age 23 months.
A.K.C. Beginner Novice Obedience Title:
She took FIRST place and earned her first leg with a score of 193/200. She took a Second Place ribbon for her second and third leg, and earned her title at 27 months.
A.K.C. Companion Dog Title:
She took two FIRST Place and one Second Place awards earning her Companion Dog Title!
NADAC Intro Agility:
In her first Agility Trial at age 22 months she took FIRST place in her class and earned her first leg at the INTRO level.
A.K.C. Rally Advanced Excellent Title (RAE1)

She is serving our community as a Pet Therapy dog in regional hospitals and by visiting with Hospice Patients at home and in nursing home settings.  In addition she also serves as the Neutral Dog during various Pet Therapy Team evaluations in our region. 

OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Normal
OFA Cardio: Cleared by cardiologist
OFA Eyes annually: Normal again as of 2018
Optigen: Cleared for PRA 
CNM: Clear
EIC:  Carrier
Full Dentition